
ADDRESS: Sofia, 115 Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd.
Phone number 02 4047 121
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Hall formats Video formats Audio formats
VIP Screen
3D Digital
Dolby N
Captain America: Brave New World
Premiere Friday, 14.02.2025

* For 3D content you need 3D glasses. The glasses are sold separately and are excluded from the ticket price. Cost of 3D glasses – 2.00 BGN

The Wheels of Heaven
Premiere Friday, 07.02.2025
The Therapy
Premiere Friday, 07.02.2025
Marked Men
Premiere Friday, 14.02.2025
Till The Last Breath
Premiere Friday, 14.02.2025
Gundi - Legend of Love
Premiere Friday, 18.10.2024
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* Kino Arena maintains the right to change the programme.

* The discount ticket prices are applicable to persons below 18 years of age, pensioners and disabled persons.